THE WINES OF VILLA DELLA TORRE for palazzo te on the table

Today Villa Della Torre hosted the lunch of the Presidents of the lower chambers of the G7 countries and the European Parliament.
The 16th-century residence, purchased and restored with great dedication by Marilisa Allegrini (Cav. Lav - Order of Merit for Labor), was chosen as the venue for the concluding event of the 22nd Meeting of the Lower Houses of Parliament held in the last few days in Verona as part of Italy’s presidency of the G7.
Accompanied by the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Hon. Lorenzo Fontana, the Presidents participating in the G7 thus left the city center and traveled to the heart of Valpolicella to see one of the most important monuments of the Italian Renaissance, the work of the masters Giulio Romano, Michele Sanmicheli and Giovanni Battista Scultori and their Schools.
“It was a truly thrilling and we are grateful for the trust placed in us,”
said Marilisa Allegrini, who in addition to a tour-worthy complex, a winery and a luxury wine&art relais, has also made Villa Della Torre the headquarters of the family group that bears her name.
“This Villa, which is home for us, is an example of the sort of Italian cultural heritage that is the envy of the whole world and that it is our task to disseminate, exhibit and narrate. We must be proud and be its rightful ambassadors. Welcoming the G7 delegation is indeed a source of great pride. I hope that this charming and fascinating complex, which we as a family love so much, will have won over the hearts and souls of all the participants at today’s lunch”.

Heart, soul but also palate. Because for the occasion, the wines of the Marilisa Allegrini Group also played a leading role. During the welcome drinks held in the Peristyle, guests were able to taste the wines of Poggio Al Tesoro (Solosole and Cassiopea) and San Polo (Rosso di Montalcino). While during the lunch, the Villa Della Torre for Palazzo Te wines were selected: Camera di Amore e Psiche, Lugana DOC 2021, Villa Della Torre per Palazzo Te, Camera dei Giganti, Valpolicella Classico Superiore DOC 2020, Villa Della Torre, Amarone della Valpolicella Classico DOCG 2019, Poggio Al Tesoro, Teos IGT 2016.

Caterina Sofia Mastella Allegrini, Marketing and Communications Director of Villa Della Torre, commented on the wines served on this occasion as follows:
“This was the selection that we strongly recommended and that was immediately welcomed. The work undertaken with Fondazione Palazzo Te and with Director Stefano Baia Curioni, whom we hold in great esteem, allows us to bring together two extraordinary places with the aim of raising awareness and knowledge of them. It is a ‘happy alliance’, as we often like to call it. At the end of lunch, all the guests received a bottle of Camera dei Giganti as a gift, along with our wish to see Palazzo Te and Villa Della Torre cross national borders and be present on the tables of the G7 countries”.
“Once again, the collaboration between Palazzo Te and Villa Della Torre has proven to be a valuable opportunity to unite different histories, diverse cultures and a single art of living. Our geographical areas, cultural heritages and production skills come together and jointly open up to the world, showing and encouraging a new aesthetic sensibility of which Italy is, and must be, the exclusive spokesperson”
declared Stefano Baia Curioni, Director of Fondazione Palazzo Te.